Withania somnifera

Botanical Name Withania somnifera
Common Name Ashwagandha
Kingdom: Plantae
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Subclass: Asteridae
Order: Solanales
Family: Solanaceae
Genus: Withania
Species: somnifera
Part used Root, leaves, fruits & seeds
Medicinal Properties Fruits & seeds: Diuratic; Leaves: antipyretic, anthelmintic and bitter; root: adaptogenic, alterative, aphrodisiac, debostruent.
Medicinal Use Leaves and root: emphysematous dyspnea; bruised leaves and ground root locally applied carbuncles, scabbies, painful swellings and ulcers; root: useful in cough, dropsy, hiccup, leucorrhoea and menstrual troubles, restores loss of memmory, nervous exhaustion, spermatorrhoea and senile debility, powder with equal parts of ghee and honey beneficial in impotency or seminal debility, decoction boiled with milk and ghee promotes nutrition.
ChemistryAll aerial parts: proteins and amino acids; Leaves: erggostane which include withanone; alkaloids, fatty acids, beta-sitesterol, polyphenols, phytosterols, withaferia, withanolide C, D, E.
Cultivation It is cultivated in many of the drier regions of Rajasthan.
Regional HabitatAravali hill of Rajasthan
DescriptionAn erect, evergreen, tonentose shrub about 0.5 to 2 m high. Leaves: simple, ovate, glabrous. Flower: inconspicuous, greenish or lurid-yellow, inaxillary, umbellete cymes. Fruits: The berries are globose, orange-red when mature, enclosed in the persistent calyx. Seed: yellow, reniform. Flowers and fruits during November-February.