Aloe vera

Botanical Name Aloe vera
Common Name Ghrit Kumari
Kingdom: Plantae
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Subclass: Lilidae
Order: Liliales
Family: Aloeaceae
Genus: Aloe
Species: vera
Part used Fresh or dehydrated juice from leaves
Medicinal Properties Cathartic, emollient, purgative, stimulant, vulnerary
Medicinal Use Weak digestion, general weakness, anaemia, bloating, stomach ulcers and gum disease.
ChemistryAloe emodin, amino acids, anthraquinons, arabinose, antibiotic principles, barbaloin, carbohydrate, rehin, lignin, proteolytic enzymes, saponins, xylose, steroids.
Cultivation Cultivated in the dry areas of rajasthan
Regional HabitatAravali hills and plain of Rajasthan
DescriptionThe aloe is a perennial plant; the strong, fibrous root produces a rosette of fleshy basal leaves as in the agave but considerably smaller. Leaves: narrow-lanceolate,1-2 feet long and whitish-green on both sides, and they bear spiny teeth on the margins. Flower: The yellow to purplish, drooping flowers, which are evident most of the year, grow in a long raceme at the top of a flower stalk up to 4 1/2 feet high. Fruit: triangular capsule containing numerous seeds.