Blepharis edulis

Botanical Name Blepharis edulis
Common Name Uttanjan, Sunishannaka
Kingdom: Plantae
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Subclass: Asteridae
Order: Lamiales
Family: Acanthaceae
Genus: Blepharis
Species: edulis
Part used Leaves, Seeds, Roots
Medicinal Properties Attenuant, Resolvent, Diuretic, Aphrodisiac, Expectorant.
Medicinal Use Leaves: useful in tridosha fevers, urinary discharges, leucoderma, stop nasal haemorrhage, control asthma, cough and inflammation of throat, mental derangements, leaves are also used in treatment of ascites and liver and spleen disorders. When applied locally they are said to have beneficial effects on wounds and ulcers. Seeds: seeds have the reputation of curing strangury, also beneficial in diseases of the blood, chest, lungs and liver. Roots: regulate menstruation
ChemistryWhite crystalline body soluble in water, amylic and ethylic alcohol which is insoluble in ether and petrolium ether. It gives reddish color with sulpuric acid. Extract of seeds contained much mucilage and vegtable albumen.
Cultivation NA
Regional HabitatThar desert area
DescriptionBlepharis edulis is a small, grey-pubescent or nearly glabrous perennial herb. The stem is rigid and prickley. The plant has numerous serrate leaves, which are armed with prickles. The flowers are yellow. The capsules are 2-seeded, seeds are heart shaped, smooth and shining, flattened of a brownish color.