Cichorium endivia

Botanical Name Cichorium endivia
Common Name Kasini
Kingdom: Plantae
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Subclass: Asteridae
Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae
Genus: Cichorium
Species: endivia
Part used Whole plant
Medicinal Properties Appetizer, Astringent, Carminitive, Cholagogue, Digestive, Diuretic, Hepatic, Laxative, Tonic.
Medicinal Use Jaundice, gallstones, elimation of excessive internal mucus, gastritis, lack of apetite, digestive difficulties, inflammation, skin eruption, engorgement of liver, gout, hectic fever.
ChemistryInsulin, alcohal, Glucoside, Albuminoids, Sugar and Salts
Cultivation Endive grows wild in the whole mediterranean area. The leaves were already used in ancient times, predominantly for medicinal purpose. In the late middle ages, cultivation of winter endive as a salad vegetables developed. Head forming varieties with wide unserrated leaves or with deeply toothed curly leaf cover have been fred.
Regional HabitatDesert area of Rajasthan
DescriptionA perennial or binnial herbs. 2-4 feet tall. The stiff, roughly hairy, angular, branching stem bears lanceolate leaves that are coarsely wavy, toothed near the bottom of the plant but entire higher up. The light blue to violet-blue, axillary or terminal flower heads in small clusters in upper leaf axils, ligule elliptic. Fruits: cypsels obconic. Seeds are pale brown.