Mucuna pruriens

Botanical Name Mucuna pruriens
Common Name Kounch
Kingdom: Plantae
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Spermatopsida
Subclass: Rosidae
Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae
Genus: Mucuna
Species: pruriens
Part used Seeds, roots and legumes
Medicinal Properties Analgesic, anthelmintic, aphrodisiac, antiparkinsonism, ascaricide, carminative, diuretic, hypocholesterolemic, hypotensive, hypoglycemic, nervine, vermifuge, thermogenic, emollient, stimulant.
Medicinal Use Seeds are nerve tonic, pills were prepared from these and used in paralysis, leucorrhoea, and menorrhagia. Decoction beneficial in urinary troubles and delirium in fevers. Strong infusion mixed with honey efficacious in cholera. Powder made into a paste applied to the body in dropsy. An ointment from the roots used in elephantiasis.
ChemistryMoisture, protein, ether, fibre, minerals, phosphorus, iron, L-DOPA, sulphur, manganese, 4-dihydroxy phenylalanine, glutathagon, lacithine, galic acid and glucoside.
Cultivation NA
Regional HabitatAlmost throughout Rajasthan among hedges and bushes.
DescriptionAnnual twining plant. Leaves: trifoliate, gray-silky, leaflets are membranous. Flower: Dark purple occur in drooping racemes. Fruits: Curved, 4-6 seeded, longitudinaly ribbed pod, densely covered with persistent pale-brown or grey trichome. Seed: black, ovoid, 12mm long.