PlantID | 0116 |
Botanical Name | Plumbago zeylanica |
Common Name | Chitrak |
Classification | Kingdom: | Plantae | Subkingdom: | Tracheobionta | Division: | Magnoliophyta | Class: | Magnoliopsida | Subclass: | Caryophyllidae | Order: | Caryophyllales | Family: | Plumbaginaceae | Genus: | Plumbago | Species: | zeylanica |
Part used | Root and root-bark. |
Medicinal Properties | Root-bark: antiperiodic and sudorific. Root: abortifacient and vesicant, antidiarrhoeal, antidyspeptic, appetizing, sudorific, digestive.
Medicinal Use | Prescribed for oedema, abdominal diseases, piles, sprue, worms and pruritus. Roort-bark: milky juice applied with benefit in scabies and ulcers. Root: useful in anasarca, piles, intermittent fevers and in skin diseases.
Chemistry | Protein in pollen grains; volatile oil from leaves and stem; root-bark: fructose, glucose, invertase and protease. Root: chitranone, plumbagin, catechol tannin.
Cultivation | NA |
Regional Habitat | Throughout Rajasthan. Also grown in gardens. |
Description | A sub-scandent, perennial shrub, branches diffuse. Leaves: alternate, ovate, narrowed into the petiole. Flowers: borne in spikes, rachis of the spike pubescent or glandular. Corolla white, tube long and slender. Base of the style glabrous. Fruits: oblong and pointed capsules, enclosed by persistent viscid calyx. Flowers and fruits during the winter.
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