Tinospora cordifolia

Botanical Name Tinospora cordifolia
Common Name Guduchi, Giloy
Kingdom: Plantae
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Subclass: Ranunculidae
Order: Ranunculales
Family: Menispermaceae
Genus: Tinospora
Species: cordifolia
Part used Stem
Medicinal Properties Stem: Bitter, astringent, sweet, thermogenic, anodyne, anthelmintic, alterant, antiperoidic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antiemetic, digestive, carminative, appetise, stomachic, constipating, cardiotonic, depurative, heamatinic, expectorant, aphrodisiac, rejuvenating, galacto-purifier and tonic.
Medicinal Use It is useful in vitiated conditions of vata, burning sensation, hyperdipsia, helminthiasis, dyspepsia, flatulence, stomachalgia, intermittent fevers, chronic fevers, inflammations, gout, vomitting, cardiac debility, skin diseases, leprosy, erysipelas, anaemia, cough, asthma, general debility, jaundice, seminal weakness, uropathy and splenopathy.
ChemistryIt contains tinosporin, columbin, chasmanthin, palmarin, berberine, tinosporon, tinosporic acid, tinosporol, giloin, giloinisin, substituted pyrrolidine, aditerpenoid furanolactone, 18-norclerodane diterpene-O-glucoside, anaryltetrahydrofuranolignan, octacosanol, nonacosan-15-one and beta-sitosterol.
Cultivation The plant is cultivated by stem cutting in the month of May-June.
Regional HabitatThroughout Rajasthan
DescriptionA large extensively spreading glabrous, perennial deciduous twiner with succulent stems and papery bark; leaves: simple, alternate, cordate, entire, glabrous, 7-9 nerved; flowers: yellow in lax racemes, usually solitary; fruits: drupes, red when ripe. Stem: the surfce of the stems appears to be closely studded with warty tubercles and the surface skin is longitudinally fissured. On removal of the surface skin the dark grrenish mucilaginous stem is seen.