Vitex negundo

Botanical Name Vitex negundo
Common Name Sambhalu, Nirgundi
Kingdom: Plantae
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Subclass: Asteridae
Order: Lamiales
Family: Lamiaceae
Genus: Vitex
Species: negundo
Part used Leaves, flowers, seeds, fruits, bark and root.
Medicinal Properties Whole plant: astringent, cephalic and stomachic; Fruits: cephalic, emmenagogue and nervine tonic; Seeds: cooling; Flowers: astringent, cardiotonic and cooling; leaves: alterative, antiparasitic, discutient, antiinflammatory and antirheumatic; root-bark: tincture; root: anodyne, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, anthelmintic and tonic.
Medicinal Use Specially useful in rheumatism. Whole plant: promotes growth of hair, used in asthma, bronchitis, inflammations, eye diseases, leucoderma, spleen enlargement and painful teething. Fruits: dried fruits are vermifuge. Seeds: used in cutaneous diseases and leprosy. Flowers: prescribed in cholera, diarrhoea, fever and liver complaints. Leaves: effective in gonorrhoeal epididymitis, orchitis, vermifuge. Leaves are applied to rheumatic swellings of the joints and in sprains. The juice of the leaves is used for the treatment of foetid discharges and maggots in ulcers. Smoke from dried leaves relieves catarrh and headache. Root-bark: useful in rheumatism and irritable bladder. Root: beneficial in boils, cholic, dyspepsia, leprosy.
ChemistryBita-sitosterol, linoleic oleic, palmitic and stearic acids, casticin, isoorientin, chrysophenol D, luteolin, p-hydroxybenzoic acid and D-fructose.
Cultivation NA
Regional HabitatFound in scrub-jungles and road-sides in the warmer parts of rajasthan.
DescriptionA large shrub or small tree of about 3 meters in height with quadrangular branches. Can be described as a cross between a shrub and a tree with a single woody stem (trunk). Leaves: opposite, 3-5 foliolate, leaflets lanceolate, entire or crenate, glabrate, dark-green above, pale greenish-tomentose beneath, central leaflets alrger. Flowers: small, bluish purple in lateral cymes, formaing an elongated, terminal thyrsus. Calyx teeth triangular. Fruits: drupaceous and black when ripe. Seeds: obovate or oblong.