Cyclospora cayetanensis

Cyclospora cayetanensis is a unicelluar, coccidian, microscopic parasite which causes cyclosporiasis, an intestinal disease in humans and small to be seen without a microscope. Its full name is Cyclospora cayetanensisa, and it has a life cycle that involves both sexual and asexual reproduction.Cyclosporiasis occurs in many countries, but it seems to be most common in tropical and subtropical regions. In areas where cyclosporiasis has been studied, the risk for infection is seasonal. However, no consistent pattern has been identified regarding the time of year or the environmental conditions, such as temperature or rainfall.

Organism Details:
Shape and Size
enteric parasitic protozoa ovoid, 8-10 ¼m in diameter with a 113 nm thick bilayered wall.
Genome Information
Cyclospora cayetanensis isolate KKU 18S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence is a enteric parasitic protozoa ( GI:290783686) has a Linear DNA of 294 bp .
Food Source
water Fruits (strawberries and raspberries) Lettuce, Parsley, Cilantro, Blackberries,dill, chives, parsley, green onions,butterhead lettuce, mixed lettuce, red cabbage, white cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, and celery
Pathological Factor
The part of the cycle in man is the ingestion of sporulated oocysts that pass through the GI tract where the sporocysts break open in the small intestine and release oocysts that infect the GI cells. The organisms then reproduce and release unsporulated oocysts into the stool contents that are excreted into the environment where they develop into sporulated oocysts that can infect humans.
People get giardiasis by consuming food or water contaminated with cysts (the infective stage of the organism); Giardiasis occurs throughout the population, although the prevalence is higher in children than adults. Chronic symptomatic giardiasis is more common in adults than responsible to cause Diarrhea, malabsorption
Affected Body Organs
Domain Eukaryota
Kingdom Chromalveolata
Superphylum Alveolata
Phylum Apicomplexa
Class Conoidasida
Subclass Coccidiasina
Order Eucoccidiorida
Suborder Eimeriorina
Family Eimeriidae
Genus Cyclospora
Species C. Cayetanensis