Giardia lamblia

Giardia intestinalis is a protozoan flagellate (Diplomonadida) that can live in the intestines of animals and people, it causes giardiasis. It is found in every region throughout the world and has become recognized as one of the most common causes of waterborne (and occasionally food-borne) illness.

Organism Details:
Shape and Size
10 to 20 ¼m , pear-shapedspherical or oval shaped
Genome Information
Giardia lamblia is a microaerophilic flagellated and Zoonotic parasite ( GI:559184048) has a relaxed circular DNA of (870956 ) bp .The genome structure of Giardia lamblia consists of 6,166 genes and 6,098 proteins, Pseudo Genes: 00, rRNAs: 7,tRNAs: 61. The GC content of Giardia lamblia is about 48.2% .
Food Source
Meat and Meat Products Fish and Fish Products Fruits and Vegetables Water and Beverages
Pathological Factor
Giardia lamblia infection of the human small intestine is a common protozoan cause of diarrheal disease worldwide and two major Giardia genotypes, assemblages A and B, infect humans. Currently, there are seven defined variants (assemblages) of G. intestinalis, with only assemblages A and B being known to infect humans. Although assemblage B is the most prevalent worldwide
People get giardiasis by consuming food or water contaminated with cysts (the infective stage of the organism); Giardiasis occurs throughout the population, although the prevalence is higher in children than adults. Chronic symptomatic giardiasis is more common in adults than responsible to cause Diarrhea, malabsorption
Affected Body Organs
Domain Eukaryota
(unranked) Excavata
Phylum Metamonada
Order Diplomonadida
Family Hexamitidae
Genus Giardia
Species G. Lamblia