BTIS Network in India
Resources & Tools
- National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
- Protein Data Bank(PDB)
- Expert Protein Analysis System (ExPASy)
Current Projects
- BISR Primer Machine
- Database of Oligonucleotide Probes of Water Pathogens
- Database of Primer-Probes for Food Pathogens
- Interaction Specificity in Protein Complexes(ISPC) Metal and Energetic Compounds
- Nucleotide Frequecy Analyzer
- Protein Sequence Composition Analysis Tool
- 5' UTR Frequency Analyzer
- PIASP (NAD Biding)
- PIASP 2 (Advanced)
- Proteomics Virtual Gel
- DISPROLIC-Database of Interaction specificity in Protein-Ligand Complex
- GNUFA-Genomic Pattern and Frequency Analyzer
- Database of Fungal Pathogens ( Water and Food Borne)
- Database of Foodborne Human Pathogens
- Database of Biochemical Tests of Proteobacteria